Category: Theory

  • Toy robots on YouTube: Consumption and peer production at the robotic moment

    Toy robots on YouTube: Consumption and peer production at the robotic moment

    Robots are increasingly prominent in the popular imagination, partly through people playing with toys and using social media. This article examines a selection of user-created YouTube videos in different genres that reveal how people experiment with toy robots such as the Furby.

  • Self-designing resilient robot gaits

    Self-designing resilient robot gaits

    The robot from Cornell University in this video ‘generates a conception of itself’ and improvises ways of moving around. At startup, the design has been left incomplete, and the robot itself finishes the design.

  • Economies of the gait in robotics and animation

    Economies of the gait in robotics and animation

    How a robot walks, runs and jumps is critical to how it moves through its environment. Beyond these instrumental questions, how a robot moves can’t help establishing a sense of its perceived character. We’ve faced these questions of movement, embodiment and identity before — in animation.

  • Digital Humanities meets Robotic Humanities

    Digital Humanities meets Robotic Humanities

    On Friday December 10, I suggested a new term for our field of research: Robotic Humanities, the deployment of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences traditions in field of robotics (see my slides). Of course this Robot/Arts intersection is not new at all, as Simon Penny will talk about this Friday.

  • Making robots real (with help from Latour)

    Making robots real (with help from Latour)

    Cultural robotics needs a theory to account for the ways technological problems, such as robotics, are constantly defined, redefined and distributed across society. Robotics is already embedded in a social history of technology, drawing on black-boxed elements from technological legacies that deal with the problems of propulsion and control — how to get things to…